- Where a worker exhibits any signs of COVID-19 or has been exposed to a confirmed case, they should not travel to work.
- Wherever possible, workers should travel to site alone using their company vehicle or their own means of transport.
- Where public transport is the only option for workers, then regular toolbox talks outlining how to reduce the possibility of infection should be considered.
Site management must consider the following:
- Parking arrangements for additional cars / vans and bicycles.
- Providing hand cleaning facilities at entrances and exits. This should be soap and water wherever possible or hand sanitiser if water is not available.
Social Distancing in Vehicles
Social distancing is advised when travelling in vehicles to/from work and when in site vehicles and operating mobile plant.
Suggested arrangements are as follows:
- Single occupancy of vehicles is preferable.
- Sit as far apart as the vehicle allows.
Recommended Maximum Road Vehicle Occupancy
Other Control Measures for Vehicle Use
Workers should not enter a work vehicle with others if they have any symptoms or have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
General guidance for minimising the potential transmission of COVID-19 are:
- Employers should consider requesting personnel to use personal transport to reduce numbers travelling in work vehicles.
- It is advisable to limit the “churn” of people travelling together (i.e. try to ensure the same crew members travel and work together day after day.
- When entering (and leaving) all vehicles the driver should clean all common areas that are liable to be touched including the external door handles, keys and other internal furnishings.
- Keep windows at least partially open.
- Keep personal items (PPE, clothes, lunch boxes etc.) separate.
- Wiping/cleaning down of contact points should be done using antibacterial wipes or a wet cloth with soap application, or equivalent.
- Dispose of used wipes/cleaning materials in a designated bin/sealed bag and wash hands for at least 20 seconds.
- If availing of public transport, sit down to minimise contact with frequently touched surfaces, handles, roof straps, isolation bars etc.
- Carry hand sanitiser (at least 60% alcohol) and use it regularly throughout your journey.
Note: It is noted that it is commonplace in the construction sector for family members to travel together or workers, who lodge together, to travel together (i.e. essentially a “family unit”).
Recommended Maximum Road Vehicle Seating Arrangements